WITH Rochelle

qoya Inspired movement classes
Dance with Qoya Founder Rochelle Schieck and the Qoya Inspired Movement community in-person or from the comfort of your own home. One of the best gifts you can give this world is your embodied presence. Explore if a Qoya Inspired Movement class can meet you where you are in this moment and nourish you on the path of your next steps. Rochelle loves to invite people to class saying, “Come as you are and you just might leave as more of who you are!”

"When Rochelle mentioned Qoya as a way of living versus only a class, I felt my whole being shift. Qoya has a way of moving through the world for me. My relationship to music, my body, my inner knowing, and my trust has forever changed. I now use Qoya as a tool, or as if there's a guide on my shoulder, through my moments of joy, challenge, connection, and so much more. I've moved my inner body through a whole Qoya class as I was getting a wisdom tooth pulled, I've parented my daughter through a day of Qoya, and I've connected more deeply to people in my life as if I'm sharing in class. All of these experiences are deeper and richer, guiding me to feel my wisdom, wildness, and freedom anywhere anytime."
Stephanie Severe
New York, NY

Upcoming Retreats
There are times the soul insists that an inner journey be reflected by an outer journey, and in these times retreats offer the space needed to deeply inquire and transform. Having led over 100 retreats, Rochelle is committed to holding containers for the growth and transformation possible when we deeply listen to the wisdom of the body, soul, nature and life. Join Rochelle for a retreat and accept the invitation to notice what’s possible when you listen to the wise, wild and free voice of your body.

"I loved all of my Qoya Retreat experience: the vulnerable times, the joy of dance, the sacred sharing, the rituals, and the tools to assist in opening oneself.
 It's a little hard to describe because it is so experiential, but Rochelle has the ability to be a warm, loving facilitator who creates a safe and supportive space, and she guides each person with lightness and ease. Each person is invited to find their own insights. It is an uplifting and loving embrace of who we are individually and as a powerful connection and honoring the transformation that’s possible when we gather together."
Rayner Needleman
USA (Multiversity Retreat)

Teacher training
Qoya teacher training is designed to be a powerful catalyst for your own path of personal growth so that you can hold space for others to remember, honor and embody the physical sensation of truth, creativity, and freedom that lives in each of us. Join the hundreds of teacher training graduates in deepening your personal practice and sharing the joy of Qoya with your community.

"Rochelle Schieck is pure genius! She has created a unique and powerful experience that has gotten this woman who has spent a majority of her life in the left half of her brain moving every morning. The best part is I actually look forward to doing it! Qoya as a student, as well as doing the teacher training, has been a spectacular experience of discovering freedom and joy in my body while being supported by a powerful sisterhood. Qoya is not just fun, it’s healing. This practice has helped me create movement with meaning. It also aligns with some of my highest values— accessing my body’s innate wisdom, variety and fun as I learn, connecting to the sacredness of sisterhood, and honoring true authenticity—what’s real for me in the moment."
Neha Sangwan
MD, Massachusetts, USA

Rochelle offers decades of harvesting and sharing wisdom to support you on your journey. All offerings are to strengthen one’s capacity to hear the intuitive wisdom of their body and explore practical ways to integrate that into their daily life. Each session reflects on the past, aligns with the present and holds the vision for what is emerging.

"Our time together was above and beyond. Things in my life are moving and shaking with a beautiful flow, and I know our session has contributed to that. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart to yours!"
United Kingdom

embodied presence
business consulting
Explore simple ways to inspire creativity, strengthen connections, and infuse movement and mindfulness into your work culture. Gain practical support for doing your work in the world and creating meaningful invitations for others to join you by deepening your connection to the intuitive wisdom of your body. Learn from Rochelle’s 13 years of experience building a values based business that speaks to the heart of people around the world.

"When the stress of work inevitably leads to feelings of burnout, there is nothing more effective than Rochelle’s movement videos to bring me back to center. At the end of just one class, I already find myself energized and more aligned - mind, body and soul. Rochelle is a master of getting us back into our bodies, enabling us to find the clarity and inspiration needed to do our best work."
Talia Frenkel
founder of thisisl

"I am so deeply grateful for my personal Qoya astrology reading and playlist. As someone who has never had my chart read before just that introduction was powerful (and right-sized for a newbie). I have danced the fill class several times and just parts of it at other times. Like today as I faced lots of upheaval and grief on what also happens to be the Full Moon in Pisces I danced shadow, shadow contrast and shaking. As someone who at intense times mostly wants to curl up in a ball having this at my fingertips helped me to choose movement. And that has helped me to stay in the game of life in this moment."
Deb valentine

Explore working together in times of transition; weddings, baby blessings, funerals, and other significant life events. In the most tender times in our lives, open yourself to being held in ways that honor the grief of loss and the joy of possibility. Rochelle is an experienced and devoted facilitator of personal and public ceremonial offerings for the many different rites of passage in life we each encounter on our human journey.

"Rochelle is a natural at this work. What I love is that it's just an extension of her innate curiosity and insight about the inner workings of people, energies and spaces. As a leader, she's constantly creating ways to help people tune into their true selves."
Ophira Edut
New York, NY, Astrologer. www.astrostyle.com