
“For me, Qoya is about connection and reconnection. It doesn’t matter what state I arrive in, I always leave feeling more connected to myself.”

Lathika Vithanage
basel, switzerland

“Qoya is a map that leads back to myself”

Kari Woldum
St. Louis, Missouri

“The practice has quite literally changed my life!”

Jennifer Reeve
Evergreen, Colorado

“I am so grateful for the countless ways Qoya has empowered and enriched my life”

Elan McAllister
Portland, Oregon

“I truly needed this community.”

Mallory Griffiths
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

“Through Qoya I have learned how to connect with, listen to, and trust the wisdom of my body.”

Lyndsey Anderson
Duluth, Minnesota

“I feel more at ease with my body. I feel more bold and free.”

Veronique Dy
London, England

“Qoya gave me permission to live life at its fullest and I am forever grateful!”

Claire Garin
La Rochelle, France
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this container and practice. The community sharing part in Qoya is like connecting with stimulating, reassuring girlfriends”
— Carlie Martin
“Thank you for introducing me to ME in this opened space of self.”
— Susan Cotter
“Qoya stokes my fire, opens my eyes, and melds together all the parts of my being into a whole in a way I have never before experienced. This is a gift that defies description. I am humbled and so deeply grateful!”
— Lauren Platte
“Qoya is how I’d like every day to be for all eternity.”
– Sonja Lockyer
“I adore Qoya classes classes - they feel like church to me.”
— Mallory Griffiths
“The creativity in Qoya has nurtured and sustained me through dark times, opened my heart, and my soul to where every class, I see something, feel something, experience something transformative.”
— Cheryl Fox
“Qoya has been a means of staying connected to myself and to the Divine.”
— Stacy Lynch
“Qoya helps me show up for myself on a regular basis in a way that is meaningful and deeply fulfilling.”
— Elan McAllister

"In the spiritual movement of Qoya, I express myself as wise, wild, and free.
What can be more joyous or more radiant? Join me!"
author of Mating in Captivity and Ted Speaker
"Qoya helps heal broken hearts, numb bodies, and crumbled dreams. This works because Rochelle Schieck is actually doing the work - both esoterically and on the ground. If you’re a hungry seeker, you’re going to feed on this wisdom."
author of The Desire Map and The Fire Starter Sessions

"Qoya has been a spectacular experience of discovering freedom and joy in my body while being supported by a powerful sisterhood. Qoya is not just fun; it’s healing. This practice has helped me create movement with meaning. It also aligns with some of my highest values—accessing my body’s innate wisdom, variety and fun as I learn, connecting to the sacredness of sisterhood, and honoring true authenticity—what’s real for me in the moment."
CEO & founder of Intuitive Intelligence, author of TalkRx
"Rochelle reveals to us a valuable map to recover one’s joy, confidence, and authenticity. She shows us the way back to love by feeling gratitude for one’s own experiences. She offers us priceless tools and practices to reconnect with our innate intelligence and sense of knowing what is right for us."
shamanic healer, senior staff member at the Four Winds Society, and co-founder of Los Cuatro Caminos in Chile

"Rochelle Schieck has made her life into a solitary vow: to remember who she is – not in thought or theory – but in her bones, in the truth that only exists in her body. Because only then can she move from that truth within her. Only then can she live her life devoted to the soul-voice inside her. Qoya offers us the path to true bliss, to the most sacred union. Rochelle models the imperative for all of us to move the way our soul asks us to move, and to trust and love our own soul first and foremost."