
What's included
Receive individualized one-on-one guidance with Rochelle Schieck in a year long container.
Yearlong accountability to integrate and implement your desires into action.
A yearlong container for your personal growth and transformation.
private sessions
You’ll receive 11 two hour sessions. Each session will be offered to create a more stable structure for integration and inspiration in your personal and professional life.
Personalized Movement Sessions and Earth Connection Practices to harvest your personal insights in service to others.
check-in sessions
You’ll receive 11 thirty minute check in sessions to support your integration as needed.

we need one another
There are times in life where some things are simply too much to hold alone. There are times when we yearn for the presence of another to be seen, heard and supported in a way that we can more easily come back to ourselves. Our bodies are wired to seek this support and also to offer it. This interconnection is as natural as the symbiosis between pollinators, flowers and food growing in our garden. We need one another to express the fullness of our being.
My intention as you are on your journey is to hold space for you to reconnect with the nectar that nourishes you on your path. We begin creating healing opportunities to harvest wisdom from your path to integrate your life experiences up to this point. Then we will focus on building resources for you to meet the moments you are in. Next, we will create more stability in your being as you prepare to take the best next steps on your path, expand your capacity for receiving the blessings that are already here and also on their way.
I have been practicing healing arts for over 20 years. I began in college with an Interdisciplinary Arts Degree exploring the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of movement. In the last two decades, I have continued my studies in healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, facilitation, mind body connection, somatic studies, nervous system regulation, earth based practices, energetic healing, herbalism, astrology, massage, personal training, birth work and more. My approach is deeply inspired by calling on the healing forces of nature as guides alongside listening to and honoring the voice of the body. In a session, you can expect a beautiful nature offering to be made specifically for your healing and what’s present in your life, a healing session to clear heavy energy, then reconnect and restore one’s flow of life force. You will leave the session with a personalized movement practice to integrate the themes that arose and continue to nourish yourself until the themes addressed are integrated with a sense of embodied presence.

My private sessions are deeply immersive. They are designed in a way to be powerful catalysts in your life for healing, clarity and receiving insight that resonates with all of your being: body, mind, heart and soul. The healings I offer are to create nourishing and supportive conditions for the most honest voice of your being to emerge and to support you in tracking your experience to notice when the return of life force energy is flowing again.
if you are called to work together...
This mentorship is for those who are looking to build a stable structure of practice that holds them in the midst of change. The practices are somatically based healing with an emphasis on deepening one’s personal relationship with nature. Over the course of a year, pattern recognition can more easily be tracked and shifts from unconscious repetition into conscious choosing can emerge. In many ways, you can think about this yearlong container as one to create a lifestyle of reverence, to deeply understand the practices, that nourish you to the place where you have overflow to share.
If you are called to work together, over the course of a year, you have the opportunity to book 11 two hour private sessions when works best for your schedule.
the journey of each session
Schedule your 2 hour session.
Please note you may cancel a session up to 24 hours advance notice before the session is scheduled and reschedule at your convenience. Any missed sessions or canceled sessions with less than 24 hours advance notice will be forfeited.
Before each session, fill out your survey ahead of time. This allows you to get clear on your intentions and me to prepare for our time together.
The day of our session, be willing to make an offering to nature and do a cleansing in a body of water near where you are or in your home if nature is not easily accessible to you.
Before and during our session, I will make a nature offering as a physical nature offering, a prayer of beauty to call on the healing forces of nature to support you.
Together, we will create a personalized movement practice to integrate the themes that arose and earth based practices to support you with the themes that are present.
Nourish yourself until the themes addressed are integrated with a sense of embodied presence. You can also schedule a 30 minute follow up call to answer any questions and I can offer additional support with the integration process.
commit to a yearlong private mentorship with rochelle
If you are looking for a container of support for your personal growth and transformation that infuses somatic healing, mindfulness and earth based rituals into your life, this invitation to mentorship is for you.
Please note: I ask that only people who are able to commit to the full process of preparation and integration sign up for this mentorship.

I invite you to notice what it feels like in your body to commit to a container of support to hold space for your personal growth and transformation.
For those who feel a YES...
I look forward to collaborating in ways that are nourishing and inspiring.
Yearlong Private Mentorship
5,555$Valid for one year

"Our time together was above and beyond. Things in my life are moving and shaking with a beautiful flow, and I know our sessions have contributed to that. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart to yours!"